SELECTED PROJECT HISTORY (Complex Technology Projects)

(Size indication must take into account the value of the Rand at the time)

Note: The JPEG standard for image compression was only published in 1996 (some time thereafter digital video products first became generally available).  VTR designed operational digital video systems from 1991 onwards and operational VMD’s from 1988.


& Year






National Key Points

Multi-Discipline Perimeter Security System, inclusive of Civil Works, Buildings, Lighting and Electrical Reticulation, Mechanical Gates, Perim~xut Detection Delay Measures and Access Control,

R25 000 000

Excellent performance with system performing to all levels of expec-tation. Completed 1988.

Maintenance              team
consisting of per- sonnel with a struc- tured maintenance plan is used.


Rand Water Board 1988

Multidisciplinary Security System covering an area of approximately 550 Kms, 8 Additional protected areas and several buildings
Contract consist of Hardening, Building Work, Civil Work, Lighting, Emergency Power Supply, Access Control, Lethal and Detection Fencing, Alarm Comms and Central Control

R 7 000 000

Detection Fences, Le- thai
Fences, Parts of Access
Control, Lighting, Building and
Civil Works in operation
1988 and functioning well,
Balance of access con- trol
and Central control
Commissioned in 1989

Regular preventative maintenance require- ed Ongoing mainte- nance reduced to a minimum by means of specific design features.


Lebowa Government

Multi-discipline perimeter security system, inclusive of mechanical barriers, Perimeter detection, delay measures, access control, search equipment and building security,

R 3 500 000

R 400 000

Operational in 1990 Maintenance and Opera- tions per year

Project    operationalmaintenance                                     and
operations contract for many years. Being reinstated.

92 AD


Perimeter security consisting of detection fence with non lethal mode and lethal fence system.
CCTV are also part of this system.

R 2500000

All design targets achieved operational in 1987. Early use of video in the time before CCD came- ras.

Weekly visit by a technician required high tube replace- ment costs compen- sation for by man- power savings.

Tactical AFB 1989


Mobile perimeter security deploys 1,5 Km perimeter in 6 hours, Control CCTV and BBT sensitized barriers with digital video analysis.
Recovery of the whole system in 12 hours.

R 900 000

System has been de- ployed and recover- ed many times, Very effective system. Operational in 1989,

Repair and mainte- nance after recovery (as required( at our site.

Northern Tvl Tech


CCTV system with digital video analysis.
Pan and Tilt heads, Zoom lenses and Full
Separate protection of storage areas,
Perimeter protection, alarms,

R 250 000

Completed in 1990. Very effective.
Has prevented many thefts and insurrections from the first day of switch-on.

Very little required. Maintenance on call -out bases

AFB Wsterkloof

Armscor I SMF 1988

Perimeter system with 14 Km of walling and back structure, Access Control System with booms, turnstiles and road blockers.

R 5 500 000

Very effective use of VTR’s vertical deploy- ment principle. Completed in 1990.

Done by Base

Louis Trichard


32 Km perimeter wall consisting of pre-stressed precast concrete wall panels supported by steel posts, Gates and drainage systems suitable for attaching future electronic security.

R 8 000 000

Excellent performance. Failure rates far below specified levels excel- lent durability.
Completed in 1988

Virtually no mainte­nance required

AEC Facility Protection Beva

AEC 1990

Video surveillance with digital video analysis 1999 Checked Y2k compatibility. Still working.

R 700 000

Completed early 1990.

Virtually none due to use
of new CCD Technology

Nursing Council
New Head Office

Nursing Council

Security System including Barriers, CCTV and Digital video analysis

R 100 000

Excellent, Completed early 1989.
First use of CCD Tech- nology and Video Ana- lysis

No maintenance has been required in more than three years of operation.

Atterridgeville Technicon


Security Alarm System and Digital video analysis

R 85 000

Completed Dec. 1990

None except for light­ning strikes

Grsighall Substation

Escom 1991

Electrified fencing and alarm system

R 100 000

Completed March 1991

Very Low

Northern TvI Tech


Electrified fencing, Alarm system, CCTV, Access Control and High resolution Zoom cameras

R 500 000

Completed in 1991 Extensions continuing

High Lightning Strike

Extensions to Security System

Lebowa Government

Cameras, Access Control and Alarm reporting

R 210 000

Completed early 1992.

Very Low

AEC Buildings
2 700, 2 500

AEC 1991

Cameras, Lights digital video analysis with link to original projec. .

R 350 000

Completed in 1991, Extension of CCD and digital video analysis techno- logy

None to date No problems

Kriel Power Station

Escom 1991

Cameras, Public Address and Access Control System

R 250 000

Completed in 1991. Performs without trou- ble

Very Low

Trust Bank Head Quarters

Trust Bank 1991

Access Control

R 350 000

Completed in 1989

Very Low

African Bank
Head Office

African Bank

Access Control System Cubicles and Alarms

R 180 000

Completed in 1992

Very little mainte- nance

Ergo and Dsggafontein

Anglo American

Alarm Systems
Digital video analysis & Transmission

R 230 000
R 500 000

Completed in 1991 Performs excellently

Very Low

Vaal Reefs No. 9 Gold Plant

Anglo American Corp - 1992

Cameras, Digital video analysis

R 900 000

Completed in 1992

Very Low

Vaal Reefs Additions

Anglo American Corp - 1992

Cameras, Digital video analysis

R 200 000

Started 1992

Very Low
